In a previous post, I talked about my early school years the post called How Author Background Affects What They Write. Here I am the summer before I became an 8th grader. About the time I was starting 7th grade, I was still acting somewhat serious and sane, and my grandfather READ MORE
About My Very Big Book “The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up”
In mid-November 2023, shortly after I released my 18 year longitudinal follow-up study in the very big book (3 pounds), The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up: What They Tell Us, I started to get requests to speak, do podcast interviews, etc. Basically, in my opinion, most of READ MORE
What Exactly Is the Point of My Life?
"What exactly is the point of my life?" Do you wonder? The viewpoints of those who raised you, as well as the zeitgeist of the time you were born and raised, all impact how much you will wonder who you are and continue to struggle with those big life questions most of us have at READ MORE
Gifted and Humble: How Does That Work?
Most intellectually gifted adults don’t think of themselves as gifted. Smart enough maybe, but not so special as to be gifted. Most intellectually gifted adults don’t think of themselves as gifted. Smart enough maybe, but not so special as to be gifted. After all, they were READ MORE
Being a Genius or Gifted Child Prodigy Assures Success! Right?
Why don’t all gifted children get rich or turn into high functioning adults? I knew when I was in 2nd grade that I would be a teacher and then I’d advance to being a principal. Then I had children. Oops! That threw pretty much everything off as far as planning goes. I needed READ MORE