What the heck is neurodiversity? … and how does it fit into the picture of giftedness? The word “neurodiversity” seems to come up a lot these days. Is the condition new or is this just a new name for something that’s been around a long time? Does it help people—the parents, READ MORE
Dr. Ruf wins ‘Friend of the Gifted’ Award
Dr. Ruf was recognized by Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented (MEGT) and was presented with the 2023 Friend of the Gifted award at the January, 2024 MEGT conference at Grandview Lodge in Minnesota. Dr. Ruf is honored to be the recipient of this great honor! READ MORE
Positive Disintegration Podcast
Dr. Ruf was a guest on the Positive Disintegration podcast in January, 2024. In the episode, Chris and Emma talked with Dr. Deborah Ruf, author of the award-winning book 5 Levels of Gifted. In 2023, she released a follow-up book called The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown READ MORE
Is my preschooler gifted?
When very young children demonstrate precocious behaviors, such as seeming to understand words and adult conversations that are beyond their years, or strong interest in things and topics that generally interest older children, their parents may wonder if their baby or preschool READ MORE