Introduction to Level Two Longitudinal Study Results for 12 Highly Gifted Youngsters I worked directly with most of the families and individuals in this study. I administered and interpreted intelligence and achievement tests to most of the subjects in this study. Sometimes READ MORE
The Do’s and Don’ts for Teachers of Gifted Students
What every parent and teacher of gifted children should know. This advice is relevant for teachers at any grade level. And, if you’re the parent of a gifted child, feel free to share this with your child’s teacher(s). That said, here’s some of my advice after years of studying READ MORE
What is Giftedness?
Do you ever wonder if you’d recognize it? This new book will help readers more fully understand what giftedness is and isn’t. I’m pleased to present a new book that will be published by 5LoG Press on October 24, 2024. How do we enable each gifted person to embark on a READ MORE
About My Very Big Book “The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up”
In mid-November 2023, shortly after I released my 18 year longitudinal follow-up study in the very big book (3 pounds), The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up: What They Tell Us, I started to get requests to speak, do podcast interviews, etc. Basically, in my opinion, most of READ MORE
What Else Makes IQ Scores Hard to Count On?
What else makes IQ scores hard to count on?Different ability tests have different scales or ranges of scores. The ones you can take free online generally have a higher top score than the tests you can take individually with an assessment specialist or in school. You may have READ MORE