Do you ever wonder if you’d recognize it?
This new book will help readers more fully understand what giftedness is and isn’t.
I’m pleased to present a new book that will be published by 5LoG Press on October 24, 2024.
How do we enable each gifted person to embark on a positive, authentic life trajectory that fosters their individual development?
Losing Our Minds: Too Many Gifted Children Left Behind explores how background experiences and opportunities during childhood shape the adult lives of the gifted children in 5 Levels of Gifted: School Issues and Educational Options (2009) as they reach adulthood. Especially for the exceptionally and profoundly gifted children, the importance of a “good fit” in the home, community, and educational environment matters greatly and play a significant role in their futures.
I am so enthused about your new book coming out on 10/24/24! Will it be available, say, on Amazon? Thanks oodles! 🙂